thommye: What the..! Lol! Never expected this pairing. Omgawd...

What the..! Lol!
Never expected this pairing. Omgawd lolololo!
OMG I had an image in my mind when I saw this and couldn't stop laughing so I made a thing and
"Why are we doing this again?"
Near, far, wherever you are~
I believe that my heart will go on~
jessrine: ネームリス ~思い出さなければならない、一つの物~ PV Nameless ~ The one thing...
Nameless ~ The one thing you must recall ~ PV (Japanese subs)
sandymaxy replied to your photo: OMG. The cumulative score does wonders. o_o At one… Wow,...
sandymaxy replied to your photo: OMG. The cumulative score does wonders. o_o At one…
Wow, thats so high. Im around 120 or something for my high school, but lately I only get around 25. OTL
Haha I had no idea how that happened, was on a lucky streak then =) My score fluctuates wildly, I just got a 10 today >_< Getting consecutive apples helps the score a ton, but it gets freakishly fast after awhile o_o
Whoa all the gachas are available =o And these are the ones that...

Whoa all the gachas are available =o And these are the ones that use the collection medals, 3 medals per spin.
OMG. The cumulative score does wonders. o_o At one point it was...

OMG. The cumulative score does wonders. o_o At one point it was going so fast I'm just running about like a headless chicken.
And my score fluctuates wildly, sometimes I only get about 10.
It's always funny to see Joshua running away from a cat...

It's always funny to see Joshua running away from a cat 'IT', hahaha =D
=D I really like my sheep! So cute, its name shall be 圆圆 (yuan...

=D I really like my sheep! So cute, its name shall be 圆圆 (yuan yuan) because it's round like a ball of wool with legs. =p
sandymaxy: otomesweetheart: I have to disagree with this...

I have to disagree with this anon. Yes, compared to a game like Hakuoki, Voltage games are short in story line and character development, but that doesn't mean they aren't good. There are longer games that are weak. There are hard to purchase games that are weak. People buy them because they like them and because they are translated.
First, Voltage makes games for smartphones and tablet devices. You can't have a game like Hakuoki for the phone without it being really expensive or taking up a ton of device memory. Voltage can't really make super long games because phones and tablets wouldn't be able to store it. Hence the length. For what it is, they are able to put a lot of story and character development in.
Second, just because I like to play them, it doesn't mean I am lazy. Sure, I'd love to play all the other games, but I can't. I'd love to play Amnesia, Bloody Call, Utapri, and all those games, but I can't. They aren't translated. Voltage is one of the main companies that translates games for us. The reason they seem so popular is because their games are the ones we have the most access too. It makes sense that most of the posts would be about what we can actually play.
Third, even if the other games were translated, I think Voltage would still have a big following. It's cheaper. Not everyone can afford a console and afford to pay $30+ for a game, but a lot of people can afford to pay $4 for a route.
Yes, Voltage games are easier to purchase, but that doesn't mean the people that play them are lazy. Maybe they can't access the other systems and games for financial reasons? Maybe they don't read Japanese (like me)? Or maybe they have a different opinion than this anon and actually like the story and characters. That doesn't mean they are lazy.
^ This.
As someone who started otome games that are not Voltage, but the very few PC ones and the English patches of other games, and then moved onto Voltage, I have to disagree with the anon.
Why did I move onto Voltage? Because I love the characters and the stories. I have played amazing routes in all kinds of otome games, Voltage or not, I have also played less than stellar routes. The stories don't need to be wonderfully and epically written for people to like it.
Also, Voltage gives me weekly doses (and even daily doses) of these games. No other otome game company does that. They kind of have a monopoly when you think about it. Haha. Anyway, Voltage gives us updates, new stories of characters we have already played, and I just love that. It's like learning more about people over time. That is why I keep coming back to it.
And not everyone has the correct video game console to play some of the otome games. I don't have a PSP, so I can't play Hakuoki (I had to play on my bf's). Voltage games are also more portable than PC games. (Though, I rather play at home so no one can see me fangirl. ^_^;) And of course, language barriers. Otome games is still a niche genre outside of Japan, and there aren't that many otome games in English. Before when I didn't have my Android, I would search for otome games, and Voltage would be one of the companies that would pop up in my search. Without a way to play them, I would fret because they have such a huge collection of stories to play. But now that I have my Android, I'm so glad to be able to play their collection of games. If other companies localize otome games, I would play them (like Aksys), but right now, Voltage is my one big option that I will always go back to. So it's not because I'm lazy, it's because I don't have much of a choice. Besides, I play Gree, and that takes some major dedication and effort. Hardest otome games I ever played. OTL
All of the above and I'll add in my 2cents.
Saying that people purchase them just because they are convenient makes them lazy makes no sense. It's like saying that buying bread from a convenience store around the corner instead of a supermarket that is three times as far away means that I'm lazy. I'm not even sure how laziness came into the picture? Going by that logic too people should try not to purchase stuff on Steam and instead buy from physical shops because Steam is too convenient and buying from that platform is 'lazy'.
Saying that people buy them just because they are convenient unjustly strips the games of their merit too. I play them in part because they make me squeal and flail all over the place. I like the story, the romance. I like the characters, and the MC. I like their character designs, I like the interactions between characters. I might not like every character the same, but the beauty about their system is that there are so many and you can choose who you want to play. I can lie in bed hugging a pillow with the games and not be afraid of being rendered sterile (or is that only for guys?). There's the added bonus of being able to bring them everywhere: I don't have to lug my laptop around to be able to play. I like that I can play while travelling. I could list more reasons but that's the general idea.
Another big draw is that it is in English. 私の日本語はぜんぜんだめです。 (I hope that's right, I only remember the basic of basics). My Japanese is rudimentary at best. I can't play all the hundreds of otome that are untranslated. Yes you could say that I could learn, but how many people can afford the time and be dedicated enough to learn? Does that mean that they are lazy? Nope. As much as I want to I can't play games from other companies that I don't understand. Well I can but not understanding anything would take all the fun out of it.
Yes they are convenient. Yes they are easy to carry around. But is that the only reason? No. Do I play them only because I'm lazy? No. If I could get and play the other games without breaking the bank, I would.
And I agree with Alice about the GREE part. They take hell lot of effort to play. Most log in every few hours to party, to greet, to play the stories, and wait. I don't think a lazy person could/would spend so much effort on a game.
And Voltage listens. The company listens to what we want, what we have to say, and that creates a lot of goodwill. They gave us the original versions translated when we told them the Westernised version wasn't what we wanted.
If it's not your cup of tea or coffee or (inserts choice of beverage) then just don't play it and leave it at that? There is really no need to make such sweeping statements, to each their own. =)
frstnm-lstnm replied to your photo: YES 132 POINTS! im horrible at it my top is 66 and im out of...
frstnm-lstnm replied to your photo: YES 132 POINTS!
im horrible at it my top is 66 and im out of energy
66 isn't too bad, haha my first score was under 10 ;_; And the brown apples are annoying!
alchemy5mage replied to your post: As a rule of thumb I usually don't…
I'm pretty strategic when it comes to Events myself. If I find that a person may have more charm than me, I don't go against then. It works.
That works! =) Sometimes you can just tell that they would most probably have more charm, it's best to play safe =)
augustinedream replied to your post: As a rule of thumb I usually don't…
I do the exact same thing. Almost always works. I regret tossing my basic clothes though.
^5! =) Haha why? Some of the basic items I don't miss, especially those that are 1 charm or 10 charm and take up a slot.


It's out!
As a rule of thumb I usually don’t party/guard/audition against someone who has pretty eyes,...
As a rule of thumb I usually don’t party/guard/audition against someone who has pretty eyes, and with some of the more ‘advanced’ backgrounds and clothing.
Because in the battle of closet spaces eyes/eyebrows/default items are usually the first to go. Those who keep those are usually the people who have purchased extra closet space, and will most likely have a lot more charm than you do.

So Celebrity Darling is glitching on me… *headdesk* Come...

So Celebrity Darling is glitching on me… *headdesk* Come on I'm trying to finish the routes =s
missotaku02: あいたたっ☆

midorimapls replied to your photo: The starry sky dress is so pretty~ (^_^) :o are you playing the...
:o are you playing the japanese gree version too? :D
Ah my bad I forgot the mask was part of the ranking prizes Dx
Haha it’s okay! =) And just to answer your question, nope I’m not playing the Japanese GREE version. =s Are you?
The starry sky dress is so pretty~ (^_^)

The starry sky dress is so pretty~ (^_^)
kalina-a: Starry sky full completion set reward are out! Go to...

Starry sky full completion set reward are out!
Go to your receive box :D
Check your receive boxes! =D
the-psycho-masquerade: Pfft-

*mind goes straight to the gutter* (I forgot where this...

*mind goes straight to the gutter*
(I forgot where this screencap is from, main route or event >_<)
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