likesboyswholikeboys: you can preach about slut-shaming all you want, but you can't deny there's...
likesboyswholikeboys: you can preach about slut-shaming all you want, but you can't deny there's...videohall: 3 year old girl explains the complexities of...
3 year old girl explains the complexities of childbirth in 4 seconds.
i am in love with this
striderider: when straight people can appreciate that someone of the same gender is hot without...
striderider: when straight people can appreciate that someone of the same gender is hot without...daniellemertina: this is how you turn a bad situation...

this is how you turn a bad situation around
this is a representation of how we should live our lives
that one time i tried to reason with slut shamers on national...

that one time i tried to reason with slut shamers on national tv
i'm having a brainstorm sesh! what video topics do yall...

i'm having a brainstorm sesh! what video topics do yall wanna see on sex+ this summer? votes + new ideas welcome!
(a lot of the new requests have already been done! they can usually be found with a keyword search on the channel. im trying to make a list to help people find topics more easily too!)


so deep

so deep

acowardlylion: first date questions

first date questions

poopflow: ah yes i have finally found it the g spot
poopflow: ah yes i have finally found it the g spote-chillin: i see you like older men

i see you like older men
Laci, why are you so awesome?
shardwick: Time for a story. In first grade I had a huge crush on my teacher so on the last day...Photo

i dont think….um

i dont think….um
How to ruin your children's porn step 1

How to ruin your children's porn step 1

new vid!! cuz healthy relationships are SUPER important and you...
new vid!! cuz healthy relationships are SUPER important and you deserve the bestest lovin in the whole friggin world.
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