
I know you don't speak for all lesbians, but do you prefer hairy cunts to the trimmed or bald look that's currently in fashion?
Hello. I'm not really sure how to answer this because really a woman can be attractive if she's confident, has a great personality, brings light into the world, or possesses any number of other intangible qualities and past that it doesn't really matter what she does with her own body, that's her business. But if you want to put it like that… if we're just perusing the surface and considering aesthetic qualities, yes we both prefer a natural bush over the completely shaven trend……
And let's try something a little more respectful or anatomically correct next time. Almost didn't want to respond to this one.
Jill DeVries

Jill DeVries
Chick magazine, 1973

Chick magazine, 1973
Chick, 1973

Chick, 1973






ugh why do men have to ruin everything? fucking a, there's a fuckton of stuff out there just for them but the moment a dude sees something that isn't SPECIFICALLY DIRECTED TOWARDS HIM he has to shit a brick over it. yr my favourite vintage nudie blog btw. sappho4lyfe <3
PREACH, sister! Sorry we've been so scarce since that last anon, but you said it - what. a. jackass.
And thank you so much! It's wonderful to know that our blog is reaching the audience we originally intended ;)
(OH, and PERFECT url!!)





why is this just 'for ladies'? little known fact: dudes like naked chicks too
Oh hi! How exciting, you're our first Blatant Asshole Anon!
Now, let me just help you with a few things.
Little known fact: It's "women", not chicks. But who on this blog gives a flying fuck about your wording and your opinion anyway.
Little known fact: Almost all porn from the beginning of recorded history is made by and for men, we're not idiots, of course men like naked ladies.
Little known fact: Most of the men who make porn are pigs.
Little known fact: The two people who run this blog are lesbian women who like vintage ladies, hence the tagline (and title) of the blog.
Little known fact: While this blog is run by two lesbians, it is open to whoever would like to view the images contained within as long as they can maintain a sense of dignity, respect, and decorum while viewing them. (Which means sorry, you're out, honey. We're not trying to alienate, we just don't want dicks like you hanging around.)
Little known fact: If you're freaking out about a tagline on a blog enough to message that blog like an asshole, you're either covering for some bigger psycho-sexual problems or you really just are a sad little man with absolutely nothing else going on in their life.
Little known fact: On tumblr, once you've claimed a url and set up a blog you can say pretty much anything you want. SO, our blog, our rules.
Why have I spelled all of this out for you?
I wanted to show you a bigger picture than just your own rigidly heterosexual male-dominated world and give you the opportunity to realize that perhaps men are not the only gender who can display beautiful images of the female form and cater to only their sexual orientation.
Also, nowhere on this blog does it say it is "just" for ladies. Our tagline is more of a dedication to the other women out there who, like us, might enjoy a safe place for classier, older pornography that is free of skeevy little pervert men lurking in the shadows. And looking at the volume of "lesbian" and women-focused porn blogs around that are run by men, we are really a drop in the bucket.
Thanks for your interest, sweetie!


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